OK, so I'm really sorry that I haven't posted before now. I know, I'm an undedicated blog-slacker. I'm sure you forgive me... just as I would you if you happened to be an undedicated blog-slacker. :)
So I love lists. I'm sure you've figured this out by now. I really think that it's entirely possible to categorize life in a series of lists. (Wow, saying that out loud sounds really sad...) Anyway, I stole this from Erin Carey's facebook page. If you don't know her, you should. She rocks. And this "list" is fun. For me, anyway...
Ten Things I Wish I Could Say to Others but Sometimes Don't
10. It's really not the crisis you're making it out to be.
9. I don't have time to chit-chat with you.
8. I'm sure you'll get over it.
7. That outfit really doesn't look good on you.
6. I'm angry with you.
5. I don't think I can do what you want me to do.
4. I wish I were a better friend.
3. I'm only nice to you because I would feel bad if I wasn't.
2. Why don't you call me?
1. I love you.
Nine Things About Myself
9. I will wear a pair of jeans at least 6 times before I wash them.
8. I am deathly afraid of Kevin Bacon.
7. I could eat pizza every day.
6. I have a butt-shelf.
5. I am terribly inconsistent.
4. I love my own handwriting.
3. I laugh at my own jokes more than other people laugh at them.
2. I don't believe in multi-tasking.
1. I think it should be a law that people have to have a dog before they can have a kid.
Eight Ways To Win My Heart
8. Mean What You Say
7. Sing Karaoke
6. Impress My Friends
5. Make Me Laugh
4. Buy Me Tulips
3. Hold My Hand
2. Stick Up For Me
1. Love My Family
Seven Things That Cross My Mind A Lot
7. The Engineer
6. Where Has My Money Gone?!
5. Auburn Friends
4. Prayer Requests
3. Song Lyrics
2. Lunch
1. My Nieces
Six (Groups of?) People Who Are Important To Me
6. My Nieces
5. My Sisters
4. My Parents
3. My Birmingham Friends
2. My Co-Workers
1. My Auburn Friends
Five Things I Do Before I Fall Asleep
5. Brush My Teeth
4. Take My Medicine
3. Chat With Jesus
2. Mentally Picture Tomorrow's Wardrobe
1. Watch TV
Four Things You're Wearing Right Now
4. Auburn Sweatpants
3. Undies
2. A Shirt I Bought at "The Reef" on Choir Tour in like 2001?
1. Contact
Three Artists That You Listen To Often
3. Sara Bareilles
2. Dave Barnes
1. Taylor Swift
Two Things You Want To Do Before You Die
2. Get Married
1. Have "Enough" Money
One Confession
I'm one of those people who will only do things she can do well.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
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