Friday, May 8, 2009


Yes, that's exactly how I feel. Exhaustivated.

This has been the worst week... I'm so glad it's Friday!! Monday night I ended up having to work until 1am!! What is THAT craziness?? But hellllooooooo fat overtime check! Tuesday I had an eye appointment, which actually really wasn't that bad. It helps that my eye doctor is a mega-hottie. With a smokin' hot wife. And 4-year old twins. *Sigh* Then I had to work late into the night Tuesday night only to have my training class cancel Wednesday!! I finally got some good sleep Wednesday night, but Thursday I had to rush home to watch the Bean and her little-man-friend while my sister went to a job interview. THEY WERE TERRIBLE!! Nothing helped!! Not clean diapers... not bottles or baby food... not singing or rocking. I seriously can see how kids get that Shaken Baby Syndrome. And then my sister told me that she backed into my car on the way to her interview!!! It just doesn't get any better than this...

Next week it looks like I'll be hanging out in Bullock County. Stay tuned.

Things I've learned this week? Only one: The blog falls by the wayside when the hours at work are long and the work is... well, exhaustivating.