It's pretty much my very favorite time of year, and we're right in the thick of it. In spite of all the other things going on in my life at the moment, I really don't think I could be much more excited than I am right now. Auburn football just puts this giant smile on my face...
Even though we lost last week. Ick.
Sometimes I wish that everyone was an Auburn fan. Weird, huh? Auburn fans are generally nice to others... and welcoming and accomodating. It's just the Auburn way and I think everyone should be the same. However, today I decided that there are WAY too many people that I DON'T want to be Auburn fans because they act like crazy people and they are vulgar and just plain mean. One year when I was in college, some jerks from LSU burned a building down. To the ground. I certainly don't want them on my team. Or anywhere near me for that matter. Hopefully we have very little in common. I am not a jerk. Or at least I'm not a jerky fan. Unlike SOME people.
I love cool weather. And I mean seriously love. I could sit outside all day and just chill out and drink tea and smell the leaves and the chill in the air and the food on the grill. And I know that grilling is supposedly one of those "summertime" sort of activities, but why? It's too hot. And anyone who knows me knows that I don't like to sweat. Unless it's on purpose, of course. And there's just something comforting about the cool air and grilling out and getting to sit on the deck or the patio and just take some time to be outdoors. It's lovely.
Anyway, enough of the chit-chat. The things I've learned...
1) I hate parking decks. I understand that they are very, very convenient and allow lots and lots of people to park in a minimal amount of space. But I really hate them. I feel like you're always playing chicken with oncoming traffic. And if you happen to be lucky enough to be in parking deck that has one-way ups and downs (i.e., no two-way traffic), you can't ever really relax because there's always the distinct possibility that some elderly person will turn the wrong way. This is especially true of hospital parking.
2) The scariest movies generally don't have music continually playing in the background. This is so that when something scary happens, the movie-makers can actually make you pee 3 drops in your pants by playing some random sound really loud at the same time someone jumps out of bed or scares you by looking at you through a window. It's disturbing how well this works. Every time.
3) You really can glue your fingers together with Super Glue. It works, trust me. I do not recommend trying this one your own just to see if I'm telling the truth.
4) "Uncopyrightable" is the longest word in the English language that uses every vowel exactly once and never repeats a vowel. If you can spell that in Scrabble, you win forever.
Later dudes...