Monday, November 17, 2008

Sing Over Me

These past couple of weeks have been very tired ones. Maybe that doesn't make sense, but it's true... I've had a couple very tired weeks. Where work is concerned, I'm pumped up. I'm motivated. I'm ready to get some exciting things in the works. And there's obviously a lot going on personally with my sister's new baby and all... so my weeks have been tired and I haven't been posting like the dedicated blogger that I promised myself I would be.

My friend and I have decided that we're going to start a little business on the side... on the side of what? Well, in between babies that are growing too fast, making meals for familes, piles of dirty laundry, full-time jobs, making time for church, and "finding ourselves" (where have we gone??)... we have decided to put our craftiness to work. We're calling it "Dots & Doodles." We make personalized gifts for women and children (because let's face it... when was the last time your husband/boyfriend/father/brother came home and said, "Honey, I'd really like to have one of those really cute framed scrapbook pages made"? Get real.). It's becoming a lot of work to get stuff ready, but it's been fun so far. I promise to post some pictures very soon...

It's great for you guys that I'm terrible at writing essay and am better at lists. Let's not delay, shall we? Here's the things I've learned recently:

1) "Obama kills the babies just like Pharoh." As funny as I find this little quip, it makes me wonder what we're teaching children when we think no one is listening. I learned many moons ago (with literally dozens of children growing up around me), you shouldn't say anything you don't want repeated. If you don't believe me, say a swear word in front of your child. He/she will repeat it when you're least expecting it... probably during church sometime.

2) I am beginning to believe that people can fall in love via the internet. This is a big step for me. I'm a late bloomer.

3) You can buy "Christmas Tree Scent" in a spray bottle at Wal-Mart. Apparently this little invention has been around for ages... and apparently it never occurred to me that I could just buy some Pine Sol or something to put on my artificial tree... but anyway, I'm obsessed with getting some for my artificial tree now. I love artificial trees because I'm a perfectionist and there are just too many unknowns with the real trees... you might have wayward branches to cut off or you might not have even branch distribution. I know this may seem a little OCD to you, but trust me, I'm a Christmas-tree-decorating-expert. These things matter. But now, I get the best of both worlds. I won't miss the real thing at all!

4) Miley Cyrus has a YouTube page called "The Mandy & Me Show." (I don't know why I'm always the last person to learn of these things.) Enough Miley is already too much. Stop the madness.

5) I love to make my 3-year-old niece say "Hello Kitty." She has a hard time with hard K- and C- sounds... and replaces them with a T- sound. So she says "Hello Titty." Yes, I actually am 5.

More to post soon....!! Enjoy the day!

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